Σχόλια Πελατών

Great company and great treatment from the owner! Will definitely recommend to rent there! Cheap and worth it! Next time on Crete ill rent from there again!

avatar Dor Nakash
in Google My Business

Dear Dor, thank you for the high rating and your nice words, we appreciate your review and thank you for your business, see you next time!

Хорошая компания ,в Херсонисес ,менеджер Attila выполняет на отлично ,пазетивно 💪💪💪👌 (Translated by Google) A good company, in Hersonises, Attila’s manager performs perfectly, pasetively 💪💪💪👌

avatar Серега Сарапулов
in Google My Business

Dear Sergei, thank you for your kind words, Attila is sending his regards and soon as you have your motorcycle license, the Honda will be here for you to test!

חויה מעולה. שירות מצויין (Translated by Google) An excellent experience. excellent service

avatar טדי מיטל ארביב
in Google My Business

Thank you for the high rating, see you next time!

חויה מעולה. שירות מצויין (Translated by Google) An excellent experience. excellent service

avatar טדי מיטל ארביב
in Google My Business

Thank you for the high rating, see you next time!

ATTILA is the man! Thank you for your kindness and fairness

avatar אדוה כהן
in Google My Business

Thank you for your high rating, Attila is sending his regards.

The nices and most reliable place in Hersonissos

avatar Carmit Halak
in Google My Business

Thank you Carmit for the nice words and high rating, was a pleasure meeting you.

I can not recommend enough this company! Second time I used them and second time I got a new car and great service, special thanks to Attila! See you next time guys!

avatar Ákos Tamási
in Google My Business

Dear Akos, was a pleasure to welcome you back to Crete, hope to see you again next year!

Арендовал у ребят отличный аппарат Jeep Wrangler Sport Cabrio , подсказали хорошие места на побережье для фото, дружелюбный англоговорящий персонал. Машина зверь , давно хотел прокатиться. Жена в восторге от поездки и фотосессии. Ниже писали про дорогую страховку – не хотите не берите , никто не заставляет, мы взяли чтобы не нервничать , даже с полной страховкой цена получилась почти в два раза дешевле чем мы смотрели подобную машину в другом прокате (Translated by Google) The guys rented a great Jeep Wrangler Sport Cabrio, they suggested good places on the coast for a photo, friendly English-speaking staff. The car is a beast, I have long wanted to ride. The wife is delighted with the trip and the photo shoot. We wrote below about expensive insurance – you don’t want to take it, nobody makes you, we took it so as not to be nervous, even with full insurance the price was almost two times cheaper than we saw a similar car at another rental

avatar Evgeny S
in Google My Business

Dear Evgeny, we appreciate your high rating and honest feedback. We are happy to hear that we could provide you with a vehicle which made your day and gave a great experience to your wife as well, a bonus which is not to be neglected..!
See you next time!

Dziś korzystałem z usług ONYX wszystko super, formalności w 10 minut i auto wypożyczone, panowie pomagają nawet w doborze fajej trasy, ceny przystępne 40euro za mały samochód z klimatyzacja i otwieranym dachem + 25euro dodatkowe ubezpieczenie (mi nic się nie przydarzyło, lepiej mieć niż nie mieć ale to zależy tylko od was, w Grecji jeździ się o wiele inaczej niż w innych krajach centralnej Europy o czym warto wcześniej poczytać ) tyle w temacie ja polecam 😊 (Translated by Google) Today I used the services of ONYX, everything was great, formalities in 10 minutes and car rental, gentlemen help even in choosing a nice route, affordable prices 40 euros for a small car with air conditioning and an opening roof + 25 euros additional insurance (nothing happened to me, better than not have but it depends only on you, in Greece you drive a lot differently than in other countries of central Europe, which is worth reading in advance) so much in the subject I recommend 😊

avatar Kris Petran
in Google My Business

Dear Kris, thank you very much for your feedback and your high rating, we hope to see you again!

Выбрал данную контору по хорошей оценке 4.9 и положительным отзывам на гугл мапс. На деле оказалось что они как и многие непорядочные конторы в округе при резерве авто озвучивают одну цену с “полной страховкой” (говорят да-да: full insurance – it’s ok). А при подписании договора на следующий день выясняется: что в Полную(!) страховку не входит: стекла, фары, вандализм и еще что-то и за это надо доплатить ещё 10eur в день, кроме того отдельно не входит ещё риск угона – за него ещё плюс 10eur в день. Итого: чтобы страховка действительно стала полной : надо доплатить 20eur в день – это становиться для всех очень неприятным сюрпризом… ;-( По самой машине вопросов не было. (Translated by Google) I chose this office with a good rating of 4.9 and positive reviews on Google maps. In fact, it turned out that they, like many dishonest offices in the district, when reserve cars, voiced the same price as “full insurance” (they say yes, full insurance – it’s ok). And when signing the contract the next day it turns out: that the Full (!) Insurance does not include: glass, headlights, vandalism and something else, and for this you have to pay an additional 10eur per day, in addition, the risk of theft is not included separately – for it plus 10eur per day. Total: so that the insurance really becomes complete: you have to pay 20eur per day – this becomes a very unpleasant surprise for everyone … ;-( There were no questions on the machine itself.

avatar Anton K
in Google My Business

Dear Anton, first of all we would like to thank you for choosing us for your rental. We are sorry to hear that you have this opinion about our company, but we found it a bit excessive and unfair. You have rented an almost new car at a very fair price, we were more than polite to you and we took the time and explain in details all rental and insurance conditions. Please note that any insurance beside the third party is entirely optional. We understand and appreciate that you have taken all optional insurances, but the fact of having all insurances unfortunately comes at a cost. Conditions and prices were explained to you before you have rented the vehicle. If you found the price excessive, you could easily just declined renting the vehicle. Due to language barrier, we apologize for any misunderstanding that might came along the rental process and we wish you safe travels.

we dealed with ONYX second time ..best service, absolute smoothly processing also with damages, very kind people, again best experience in renting a car you can make ….thank you so much, Attila 🙂

avatar Cordula Pantasidis
in Google My Business

Thank you for choosing us for 2nd time for your holiday rental. We appreciate very much your business and we look forward to welcome you to Crete on your next visit!

Personale cordiali che parlano inglese molto bene e ti consigliano dove e cosa fare. Hanno a disposizione diversi mezzi e io ho affittato una panda nuova ed efficiente. Tariffe nella media ma comodità assoluta. Consiglio. Esperienza positiva (Translated by Google) Friendly staff who speak English very well and advise you where and what to do. They have different means at their disposal and I have rented a new and efficient panda. Rates in the average but absolute comfort. Council. Positive experience

avatar Giuseppe Morelli
in Google My Business

Thank you Giuseppe for your kind words and high rating, was a pleasure meeting you all guys, thank you for your business!